Events 03 Apr 2020
FAITH BUILDERS - Starting next Tuesday night, 7th April, 7.30-8.00pm
It may be a few weeks until we can see each other again in person, but social distancing shouldn’t keep us from social connectedness and building each other up. Join us on Zoom each Tuesday night during lockdown to ‘encourage one other and build each other up’ as it says in 1 Thes. 5:11.
Here are three questions to think about and discuss for the meeting each week, which will hopefully bring encouragement to others:
1. Where have you seen God this past week?
2. What Bible text has encouraged you during the week?
4. Do you or someone you know need encouragement/prayer for the coming week?
Email Pr Hannah for the Zoom Meeting ID and password ([email protected])
To join, make sure you have Zoom installed on your computer or as an app on your phone (
Looking forward to seeing you there!
17 Oct 2018
Christians Against Poverty is an exciting program teaching people how to manage the money they have and work towards achieving financial success by being debt free! Our new team is looking for people to join the team as they plan for our first CAP money program in early 2019. If you would like to be a part of this ministry or know someone who would benefit from participating in the course contact our team to learn more.
Events 16 Sep 2018
It is with a heavy heart that we need to inform our community that the Tauranga Seventh-day Adventist church and supporting churches will not be running Road to Bethlehem for 2018 . The decision was not made lightly and was done after much discussion and prayer. We are taking this year to fine tune and refine the program so that we can share the story of Jesus once again in 2019. Thank you for your support over the last 9 years and we will see you all again at Road to Bethlehem in 2019.